Airy scrambled eggs with white wine Setra vinegar
cooking time
difficulty level
4 eggs; 
white wine Setra vinegar; 
Setra pink salt.

white wine vinegar fine pink salt
The recipe is provided by: Setra team
Airy scrambled eggs with white wine Setra vinegar
  • 1 reak the egg into a container and carefully put the yolk in a separate bowl. If you are cooking several eggs, then place each yolk separately from the previous one.
  • 2 Add salt and white wine Setra vinegar to the egg white and beat it with a mixer until fluffy. Spoon the foam onto a baking sheet, forming a small pit inside each "cloud" for the yolkа.
  • 3 Carefully pour a little vinegar into the "cloud" and place the yolk there so that it does not spread. Grate cheese on top.
  • 4 Cook the eggs in the oven for 3-5 minutes.